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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Matematika. Tampilkan semua postingan
I have worked as a research staff at LP2M UIN Malang and have produced many scientific studies in the form of research reports and international journals. At that time I was given the assignment by the lead researcher to conduct an international research presentation at ITB. Incidentally, my lecturer could not attend the event and our team consisted of only two people. So with all my confidence I prepared everything to make a presentation in front of the judges and mathematicians. Eventually I got a very warm appreciation from the viewers for our research work. As a result, my research journals can be published.

Here is a portfolio of my mathematical research that I did during college. I also often attend the Math Olympiad. Some of my research has been published in the journal Scopus, Cauchy, and others.

1. Paper PDP

2. Publikasi x-Banner ITB Symomath

3. Proyek Lp2m

4. Jurnal Internasional ITB

5. Lpj Symomath

6. Jurnal Nasional Cauchy

7. LoA

8. Skripsi

9. Paper Riset Operasi

10. Laporan Penelitian DISPENDA MALANG

11. Proyek Penelitian Kemenag Jakarta

12. LoA Basic Science UB

13. Artikel Seminar Integrasi Sains dan Islam

14. Jurnal Iconist 2018

15. Proyek LP2M 2018

16. Ppt Seminar Internasional

17. Jurnal Ismei 2018

Link to UIN Malang:



Here is my photo documentation when doing research:

Mathematics may not teach us how to add love or how to minus hate. Because love is not mathematics, but mathematics require love. That’s why, Mathematics can gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution...

Silakan download file lengkapnya di: http://repository.uin-malang.ac.id/1968/


Hai, siapa pun Anda.. :D
yang sedang menempuh di Jurusan Matematika, insya Allah sangat membutuhkan materi-materi berikut ini.. Hehe, saya yang sedang berbaik hati (eh, ralat.. aamiinn..) akan membagi secara gratis dan cuma-cuma beberapa materi kuliah yang ditempuh di Jurusan Matematika..

Berikut link downloadnya:

Aljabar Abstrak

Aljabar Linier Elementer


Calculus Real

Statistika Matematika

Kalkulus Peubah Banyak

Pemrograman Komputer

PDE Matematika

Sekian, semoga bermanfaat... :)

Wassalamu'alaikum, wr. wb..

Hai...! :)
Bagi teman-teman jurusan matematika UIN Maliki '2013 Kelas B,
yang belum mempunyai file majalah kita: matematika kelas B,
berikut adalah link downloadnya..

Magazine Mathematics Class: B

Semoga bermanfaat..